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Reconocimiento a la excelencia ambiental: Sello de Sostenibilidad Corantioquia 2024
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We are trained and we have the infrastructure
to manufacture cosmetic, hygiene and disinfection products
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Descuentos de hasta el 30%
Celebremos juntos nuestro aniversario
We manufacture automotive and industrial lubricants
Maquilamos lubricantes según las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
We can manufacture your lubricants
We have the technology and capacity to produce for your brand
We are manufacturers of stretch and cling film biodegradables
We use high technology
Directed to the care and preservation of the environment
ECOBYC biodegradable packaging
The ones you really should use
We use state-of-the-art technology and high quality standards
in the manufacture of industrial and domestic disinfection products
Know what WE DO
Production of Packaging that protects the environment